Mar 162011

i’ve been working as a developer, and using xampp as my prime development environment. Today, i was asked to help someone to set up her development environment. So what I did is, I downloaded xampp and installed it in her machine. I encountered an annoying problem. I wasn’t able to use the command prompt for mysql…Now this blog serves as a reminder for me just incase I encounter the same shit again. I think I have blogged this a long time ago, unfortunately my former data were fucked up by my former hosting account.

1) after xampp installation,
2) go to C:\xampp\mysql\bin
3) type “mysqladmin.exe -u root password
4) type the desired password, then retype it again
5) then go to the file under xampp/phpmyadmin and put the password
6) restart the xampp
and that’s it.